What the issue is all about and how it relates to us?

The world has presented Bernanke, a famous American Economist and Government Advisor, and his  friends with the highest prize in the field of Economics. Namely the Nobel Prize in Economics. It is not that we strongly agree with the principles of current Economics as a subject, which is clearly intertwined in a death lock with interest and debt, and should not be practiced by any Islamic State Government.

What we want to talk about here is Bernanke's differences in knowledge about banks compared to the reality that many in the Western and whole world have understood. If it's an ordinary person who misunderstands the basics of economics, that's fine - but for a Nobel Prize winner, it’s really worrisome!

How can this happen? This is the result when a perverse science has been practiced for so many centuries that the world community feels that it is impossible for this knowledge to be wrong.

What is this perverse understanding? We refer to the basic belief that banks give loans from deposits.

Banks collect deposits from people and give loans to other people and companies is a misconception?

Yes, that understanding is wrong.

So, how do banks give loans or financing? As has been confirmed by the whole world including the Bank of England, the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve, Banks are money creators. When a bank gives a loan or financing, new money is created by the bank. This money is not in the form of paper notes as in our wallet. This money is in the form of numbers that move from bank accounts to bank accounts.

Many people don't believe this, including those who still work in banks and also some economics professors who are teaching at universities.

Well, especially for them, we will outline the evidence below via a series of accounting entries to shed light on the misconception in this system that has long been mislodged in the minds of the world.

Assume a new bank is established.

The bank begins by collecting actual cash deposits of RM20 million.

The accounting entry at this point will be Dr Cash RM20 million Cr Deposit RM20 million

Let's say the Loan/Deposit Ratio is currently 80%. That is, the central bank does not allow loans to exceed 80% of total deposits.

(Note: We know that central banks now use a more sophisticated method to replace the Loan/Deposit ratio, but that does not change the logic of our explanation here. The new method only gives the bank the opportunity to maximize its loan/financing percentage - it is still a type of "Loan/Deposit Ratio")

Well now assume the bank makes a loan to a company XYZ Bhd by just creating the deposit.

The accounting entry is Dr Loan RM80 million Cr Deposit RM80 million (Deposit just created out of thin air)

Can the bank gives a loan by just creating the deposit?

Well, let's look at the conditions set by the central bank - That is, the Loan/Deposit ratio cannot exceed 80%.

Let's try to calculate the deposit amounts and the loan amounts from the above.

Total loan = RM80 million

Total Cash Deposit = RM20 million + Total Deposits created by the Bank = RM80 million.

So total Deposits = RM100 million

Total Loan = RM80 million

Loan Deposit Ratio = 80% !!! It therefore meet’s the central bank’s only requirements. The central bank do not even require the deposit to be in cash!

So can we now see how banks are allowed to create money out of thin air to give loans?

So this is the worry of the world's Monetary Reformers when Bernanke and his two friends were given the World Nobel Prize based on their belief that banks give loans from deposits. An outdated belief that is unbecoming to be held by the world's Nobel Prize winners !!

What is the impact to the world of the outdated belief that banks give loans from deposits?

1) Nations do not see banks as money creators in the national economy. 

Imagine how misleading the country's economic policies are if the government do not understand and appreciate that banks create money! 

The truth is that banks create 95% of the money in Malaysia; government creates only 5% of money which is in the form of paper money and coins (World average ratio is 97%:3%)

2) So if the Government does not realize and understand the consequences of banks directing 65% of the money they create to personal debt and the private sector, what will happen?

i) General inflation hits the country from year to year; stealing people's purchasing power continuously unending for years on end. For example, our favourite ikan kembong (kembong fish) that used to cost RM5 per kilo is now RM17 per kilo. An inflation of 240% 

ii) Rocketing house prices. For example USJ house prices from RM160,000 in 1996 to RM550,000 in 2022 = 244% inflation.

iii) The widening of the poverty gap. See B40 (poor) and T20 (wealthy) income difference statistics. 1970 income difference was just RM3,500; In 2016 the gap rose to  RM13,240; in 2022 it is RM17,852!

iv) When only 16% (world: 8%) of money is given to the SME* sector which creates 70% of jobs and contributes 40% to GDP the following occurs:

*(Small Medium Enterprises generally defined as companies with sales of RM50 million and below ie USD10.5 million)

1) Massive unemployment of young people and graduates

2) The creation of an "employers market"  and the almost permanent freezing of the starting salary of graduates and young people. The starting salary of an engineering graduate is today reported to be RM1,900 per month. How different is this salary from the salary of an engineering graduate 20 years ago?

Soon the country will face a general election.

Do they understand the basic monetary issue outlined above, by Movement for Monetary Justice/Gerakan Keadilan Monetari, in order to uplift the life of the people?




Dunia telah menghadiahkan Bernanke seorang Ahli Ekonomi dan Penasihat Kerajaan Amerika terkenal, dan 2 sahabatnya hadiah paling ulung dalam bidang ilmu ekonomi. Yakni Hadiah Nobel Ilmu Ekonomi. Bukanlah kita setuju sangat Ilmu Ekonomi barat ini yang jelas berpaksikan riba dan tidak harus diamal oleh mana-mana Kerajaan Negara Islam.

Yang ingin diterangkan disini ialah kepincangan ilmu Bernanke berkaitan bank berbanding kenyataan/ realiti yang telah difahami ramai. Kalau orang biasa-biasa saja yang silap faham ilmu asas ekonomi tidak mengapa – tetapi pemenang Hadiah Nobel?!

Bagaimana ini boleh berlaku? Ini akibatnya apabila suatu ilmu songsang telah diamal begitu lama berabad-abad sehingga masyarakat dunia rasa mustahil ilmu ini salah.

Apakah ilmu songsang yang dimaksudkan ini? Kami merujuk kepada kepercayaan asas bahawa bank memberi pinjaman dari kutipan deposit. 

Bank kutip deposit dari orang ramai dan memberi pinjaman kepada orang lain dan syarikat-syarikat adalah fahaman salah? 

Iyya fahaman itu salah dan tak berlaku.

Habis macam mana bank memberi pinjaman atau pembiayaan? Saperti yang telah disahkan satu dunia termasuk oleh Bank of England, European Central Bank dan juga Federal Reserve, Bank ada lah pencipta wang. Apabila bank memberi pinjaman atau pembiayaan duit baru dicipta oleh bank. Duit ini bukanlah dalam bentuk kertas saperti dalam dompet kita tu. Duit ini adalah dalam bentuk nombor yang berpindah dari akaun bank ke akaun bank.

Selalunya orang tidak percaya perkara ini terutama yang masih bekerja dengan bank dan termasuk juga sebahagian professor-professor ekonomi yang sedang mengajar diuniversiti.

Baiklah khususnya  untuk mereka ini kita turunkan buktinya dibawah melalui rentetan catitan akaun (accounting entry) untuk mencerahkan penipuan sistem Yahudi ini yang telah lama terhinggap diminda dunia 

Andaikan sebuah bank baru ditubuh.

Bank kutip deposit tunai sebenar sebanyak RM20 juta.

Catitan akaun nya ialah Dr Tunai RM20 juta Cr Deposit RM20 juta

Katakan  Nisbah Pinjaman/Deposit (“Loan/Deposit Ratio”) ialah buat masa ini 80%. Yakni jumlah pinjaman BNM tidak benar melebihi 80% jumlah deposit.

(Nota : Kita tahu sekarang ni BNM guna kaedah lebih canggih mengganti Loan/Deposit ratio tapi percayalah ia tidak ubah logik perbicaraan kita. Kaedah baru itu cuma beri peluang bank maksimakan peratusan pinjaman/pembiayaannya- ia masih sajenis “Loan/Deposit Ratio”)

Baik sekarang bank buat pinjaman kepada sebuah syarikat XYZ Bhd dengan mencipta duit atas angin.

Catitan Akaunnya ialah :  Dr Pinjaman 80 juta Cr Deposit RM80 juta (Deposit direka sahaja)

Boleh ke bank beri pinjaman dengan cipta saja deposit itu?

Baik mari kita lihat syarat yang diletak BNM – Yakni Loan/Deposit ratio tak boleh melebihi 80%.

Cuba kita congak jumlah deposit dan jumlah pinjaman diatas.

Jumlah pinjaman = RM80 juta

Jumlah Deposit Tunai = RM20 juta  +. Jumlah Deposit rekaan Bank = RM80 juta.

Jadi jumlah Deposit = RM100 juta   

Jumlah Pinjamn = RM80 juta

Loan Deposit Ratio =80% !!!     Tepati syarat BNM. BNM tak letak pun deposit mesti tunai!

Nampak bagaimana bank dibenarkan untuk cipta duit dari atas angin untuk memberi pinjaman?

Jadi inilah yang menjadi igauan Reformis Monetari dunia apabila Bernanke dan dua sahabatnya diberi Hadiah Nobel Dunia bersandarkan kepercayaan mereka bank memberi pinjaman dari deposit. Suatu kepercayaan yang kolot yang tidak harus diiktikad oleh pemenang Nobel Prize dunia.!!

Apakah kesan kepada dunia kepercayaan kolot bank memberi pinjaman dari deposit?

1) Negara tidak nampak bank sebagai pencipta wang didalam ekonomi negara. Bayangkan betapa pincangnya polisi ekonomi negara seandai kerajaan tidak faham bank cipta duit!  Sabenarnya Bank cipta 95% duit diMalaysia ; duit kertas dan syiling yang dicipta kerajaan hanya 5% (Nisbah purata dunia ialah 97%:3%)

2) Maka apabila Kerajaan tidak halusi dan faham akibat bank menghala 65% wang mereka cipta kepada hutang peribadi dan sektor peribadi, apa akan berlaku?

i) Inflasi ‘am yang melanda negara dari tahun ketahun; mencuri kuasa beli rakyat bertahun-tahun. Sebagai contoh ikan kembong yang pernah berharga RM5 sekilo kini RM17 sekilo. Inflasi 240%

ii) Inflasi gelembong rumah. Sebagai contoh harga rumah USJ dari RM160,000 tahun 1996 hingga RM550,000 tahun 2022= 244%

iii) Penglebaran jurang miskin kaya. Lihat statistik perbezaan pendapatan B40 dan T20. 1970 beza pendapatan RM3,500; beza 2016 RM13,240; beza 2022 RM17,852!

iv) Apabila hanya 16% wang diberi kepada sektor IKS* (Industri Kecil Sederhana) yang mencipta 70% pekerjaan dan menyumbang 40% kepada KDNK.

*(Takrif IKS = Syarikat yang mempunyai perolehan/jualan kurang dari RM50 juta)

1) Pengangguran anak muda dan graduan

2) Terciptanya “employers market” menciputkan gaji permulaan graduan dan anak muda. Gaji permulaan graduan engineer dilaporkan RM1,900 sebulan. Jauh bezakah gaji ini dengan ganji graduan engineer 20 tahun dahulu?

Tidak lama lagi kita akan hadapi pilihan raya umum. 

Adakah sesiapa yang memahami perkara asas yang dirungkai Movement for Monetary Justice/Gerakan Keadilan Monetari diatas, demi kesejahteraan ummah?


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